Stiftung Planetarium Berlin

Effective 1 July 2016, the Stiftung Planetarium Berlin was legally established as a foundation under public law with legal capacity, thus uniting Berlin's astronomical institutions for the first time in the city's history. The Archenhold-Sternwarte and the Wilhelm-Foerster-Sternwarte are among the most traditional popular observatories in Germany, while the Planetarium am Insulaner and the Zeiss-Großplanetarium, Europe's most modern science theatres, offer relevant and innovative forms of education.

Task and Organisation

The Stiftung Planetarium Berlin pursues a clear educational mission and the didactically appropriate and contemporary communication of scientific knowledge. The purpose of the foundation is to promote school education and adult education in the field of astronomy. In the interest of school education and adult education, the past, present and future of astronomy are presented in a bundled way and made tangible.

The organs of the Foundation are the Board of Trustees and the Executive Board.

Executive Board
The Executive Board manages the business of the foundation and implements the resolutions of the Board of Trustees. It represents the foundation in and out of court. Tim Florian Horn has been a member of the Foundation's Executive Board since 1 January 2018.

Board of Trustees

Chairwoman of the Board of Trustees and Member of the Senate responsible for the school system is Astrid-Sabine Busse, Senator for Education, Youth and Family; represented by Dr. Torsten Kühne, State Secretary for School Construction and School Digitisation.

Members of the Board of Trustees are:

  • Dr Christine Regus, Senate Department for Culture and Europe & Deputy Senate Member for Cultural Affairs; deputy Christine Feuerhake, Senate Department for Culture and Europe
  • Prof. Dr. Ing. Johann-Dietrich Wörner, acatech - German Academy of Science and Engineering; represented by Karin Eichentopf, German Aerospace Centre
  • Prof. Dr. Heike Rauer, German Aerospace Centre; deputy Prof. Dr. Matthias Steinmetz, Leibniz Institute for Astrophysics Potsdam
  • Eduard Thomas; deputy Prof. Dr. Susanne Hüttemeister, Zeiss Planetarium Bochum

Departments and Contacts

Tim Florian Horn © Bernd Jaworek
Tim Florian Horn
President | Director of Archenhold-Sternwarte & Zeiss-Großplanetarium
Prenzlauer Allee 80 | 10405 Berlin

Dr. Monika Staesche © Pedro Becerra
Dr. Monika Staesche
Deputy President | Director of Planetarium am Insulaner and Wilhelm-Foerster-Sternwarte
Munsterdamm 90 | 12169 Berlin

Stefan Gotthold © Bernd Jaworek
Stefan Gotthold
Head of Education | Head of Archenhold-Sternwarte
Prenzlauer Allee 80 | 10405 Berlin

Ghazal Weber © Bernd Jaworek
Ghazal Weber
Head of Marketing & Communications
Prenzlauer Allee 80 | 10405 Berlin

Dr. Jürgen Rienow © Bernd Jaworek
Dr. Jürgen Rienow
Head of Production
Prenzlauer Allee 80 | 10405 Berlin

Karsten Jäkel © Bernd Jaworek
Karsten Jäkel
Head of Technology
Prenzlauer Allee 80 | 10405 Berlin

Kontakt Astronaut-Icon
Head of Programme & Events
Prenzlauer Allee 80 | 10405 Berlin

Kontakt Astronaut-Icon
Ilona Zytur
Head of Administration
Prenzlauer Allee 80 | 10405 Berlin