Filmstill aus "Eternal You" © Gareth Moon

Eternal You
The end of mortality


Eternal You

Vom Ende der Endlichkeit

Services that use artificial intelligence to »bring the dead back to life« are being used by people all over the world. The film follows the pioneers and early users of a technology that aims to make death obsolete. Joshua chats day and night with the digital clone of his deceased first love, allowing her to participate in his daily life. Christi just wants confirmation that her deceased best friend is doing well in heaven, but has a harrowing experience with his AI clone. Jang Ji-Sung meets the VR clone of her deceased 7-year-old daughter. The creators of the services deny any responsibility for the profound psychological consequences of these experiences. Numerous competitors are hoping for a lucrative market as religious and collective forms of mourning become less relevant. Is this the beginning of the end of mortality?

D, USA 2024 │ Directors: Moritz Riesewieck, Hans Block
Film still © Gareth Moon


Documentary | 90 min | FSK 12 (German Voluntary Movie Rating) recommended for ages 16 and up | Tickets 9 € / 7 € (Kita & Schulklassen: 4 € pro Person, 2 Begleitpersonen erhalten freien Eintritt)

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The following tickets are only available on site at the cash desk and cannot be booked in the online shop: Family tickets, group discounts, discounted / free tickets within the framework of cooperations (e. g. Berlin Family Pass) and tickets for wheelchair users and their accompanying persons (since there are designated seats for safety reasons). Unfortunately, it is not possible to refund differences resulting from the purchase of regular online tickets. Therefore, please reserve the relevant tickets in advance via our ticket hotline. 

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English with german subtitles 

FSK Ratings: Strong Scenes of Crime


Trailer (OmU) des Dokumentarfilms »Eternal You«. © BeetzBrothers Film Production

